My Mom Had a Dream About a Baby and It Scared Her

Baby Sleeping in Crib

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Have you lot ever wondered why your baby smiles in their sleep? Could it be a reflex, or is your lilliputian one caught up in a pleasant dream?

The truth is, much is still unknown near what occurs in a babe'southward heed during sleep. This is, in part, considering they lack the communication skills to convey that information to u.s.a.. Researchers are likewise still working to understand how babies' brains process information, which is a large cistron in why humans dream.

If your baby seems joyful or upset during their sleep, in that location are probable other factors at play. Let's take a expect at your infant's sleep bicycle, what nosotros know about dreams, and what information researchers are withal working to uncover about babies' hidden states.

Babies and REM Sleep

Dreams can happen during whatsoever phase of slumber, only they're about likely to occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies spend upward to fifty% of their slumber in REM slumber, whereas adults spend approximately 20% of their time asleep in this phase.

What does this say about dreaming? Substantially it means, if babies did dream, they'd spend a lot of fourth dimension doing information technology.

Encephalon waves resembling REM sleep accept been observed in the womb betwixt 25 and 28 weeks gestation. Though all the same inconclusive, researchers speculate this could mean REM sleep begins fifty-fifty before birth.

If babies experience REM slumber, and then 1 might assume they'd also exist dreaming. Nevertheless, researchers say information technology's not quite that simple. The process of dreaming ways being developmentally capable of abstract thinking.

Some neuroscientists believe children must first accept the ability to imagine things visually and spacially to dream, and babies lack that self-sensation.

Agreement Your Baby's Sleep Beliefs

During REM sleep, the major muscles in the body—like the arms and legs— that you normally control cannot move and become temporarily paralyzed. However, while adults generally remain still during this sleep stage, babies in REM sleep will have irregular respirations (they won't breathe in a regular pattern), and may make mouthing or sucking motions, have twitches in their artillery/legs (including anxiety and easily), or cursory head movements.

The greater likelihood is that your infant is simply developing and learning how their body works or trying to develop new skills. Babies who cry out during sleep may be processing something that occurred earlier, significant it is more of a memory than a dream.


Newborns are as well built-in with what is referred to as the Moro—or startle—reflex. This reflex develops betwixt 28 and 32 weeks gestation and generally disappears betwixt three and 6 months.

This is an involuntary, protective reflex that causes infants to extend their arms, legs, and cervix and and so rapidly bring them back together. The moro reflex can be set off by the jerks or twitches that occur during REM sleep. Swaddling tin reduce these movements and therefore reduce the likelihood of the moro reflex happening during slumber.

How Circadian Rhythms Affect Slumber

Biological rhythms refer to how our bodies' natural chemistry and functions alter throughout a 24-hr bike. This is sometimes called our bodies' "internal clock."

Of the four biological rhythms, the cyclic clock is most closely tied to sleep. According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, newborns gradually develop circadian rhythm components postnatally.

"A rhythm of cortisol develops at 8 weeks of age, melatonin and sleep efficiency develop at approximately 9 weeks, and body temperature rhythm and that of circadian genes develop at 11 weeks," the study states.

Babies wake more frequently because they do not follow the same circadian rhythms as older children and adults. This also explains why they spend more than fourth dimension in the REM slumber phase than in a deep slumber.

Given this information, it would make sense that babies would dream more ofttimes than older children and adults since much of their fourth dimension is spent in dream-friendly REM sleep.

Nonetheless, research points to the idea that dreaming doesn't begin until children are older, despite getting less REM sleep as time passes. When babies are in REM, they allow their brains to develop pathways, connections, and somewhen, larn languages.

When Do Children Begin Dreaming?

Dreams frequently consist of people and situations we encounter the previous day because their brains are processing that information. For children to dream, they must reimagine the same encounters — something babies are unlikely to reach with the same complexity.

Co-ordinate to David Foulkes, a psychologist and one of the world's leading experts on pediatric dreaming, babies' ability to perceive the world effectually them frequently causes people to believe they're able to dream mistakenly.

Foulkes' work, "Children's Dreaming and the Evolution of Consciousness" published by Harvard University Press, noted that if an organism has the power to perceive reality, then it'southward very possible that that organism can dream a reality as well.

Still, babies' brains lack the maturity and experiences to conjure upwardly dreams, neuroscientists take theorized.

Though we even so don't take an exact answer to when people begin to dream, researchers believe children are dreamless until they have a clearer understanding of the earth around them.

A Word From Verywell

It'south natural to wonder what's going on in your baby's mind as they sleep. Later on all, babies spend an average of 12-16 hours asleep each twenty-four hours during the first year! While that'due south a lot of potential dreaming time, nosotros simply practise non know whether babies are dreaming during that time.

You may discover your infant's eyes moving, their limbs twitching or jerking, and their oral cavity moving and sucking. This is a normal office of certain stages of sleep. This can exist a reflex during the offset few months or simple unsettledness at night. It might look similar your baby is dreaming when this occurs—especially if they cry out—but it'due south more than probable they're working toward reaching a new milestone.

Essentially, we won't know when our children are truly dreaming until they can convey it to us directly. Every bit always, if you have any concerns nigh your baby'south sleep patterns or habits, contact your healthcare provider for advice.


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